About the Habonim Dror Camp Association

The Habonim Dror Camp Association (HDCA) brings the professional and lay leaders of the six North American Habonim Dror summer camps together with the leadership of the Habonim Dror (HDNA) youth movement.

HDCA works to enhance relationships and communication between the movement and the camps by facilitating opportunities to come together around issues of mutual interest and concern. 

This is done through an annual conference (kennes) of all parts of the Habonim Dror family, as well as quarterly zoom meetings for camp board chairs and occasional get-togethers at the different camps for camp board members. We foster ongoing communication, cooperation and educational programming and we work together to solve problems, share ideas, apply for grants and achieve economies of scale.

Habonim Dror is supported by the Habonim Dror Foundation (HDF), a 501(c)3 organization whose mission is to secure the future of this unique youth movement. HDCA, HDNA and HDF are all affiliated with Ameinu, the progressive Zionist organization that is heir to the historic Labor Zionist Alliance in the United States and Canada.

Please reference this HDCA Organizations document for a more in-depth look at HDCA. This document lays out the different organizations that make up the Habonim Dror Camp Association.