HDCA Newsletter – Spring 2021

Hello and welcome to Habonim Dror Camp Association’s first newsletter!



Since becoming co-chairs of HDCA last December, we have listened intently to camp committee This newsletter is part of our commitment to enhance communication among our HD family in response to these concerns. As you’ll see, we are offering short articles about what’s going on in different parts of the movement – with news from the mazkirut, tzevet higui, machanot and our partner organizations Habonim Dror Foundation and Ameinu. We conclude with links to “Habonim Dror in the News” where you’ll see the impact our movement is having on the wider Jewish community. members, professional staff, mazkirut artzit, ma’apilimot and bogrei tnua (movement alumni) to determine how we might best move our association forward. We heard a great deal about strained relationships and a lack of mutual understanding, cooperation and respect. We concluded that better communication is necessary if we are to go forward as a community.

We’ve also begun a Community Calendar that will help us all coordinate planning – please check it out and if you have events to add, let us know! And finally, please SAVE THE DATE for HDCA MIFGASH on Sunday, September 19, 2021. We will be meeting virtually for just a few hours and we promise you will find it useful, interesting and fun! 

We hope you enjoy our very first edition.

– Alisa Belinkoff Katz and Sharon Waimberg, Co-Chairs, HDCAContinue reading